
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Africa - Inquiry


Heyo, Its Hannah I know its been a while but I have an update.
This term we have been working on culture  and one of them is Africa.
Me and my very good friend I hope you like it.
- Hannah 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Tea Time With Nana - Show Monday (23/9/2019)

To all thos who didn't get to listen to the show on Monday, guess what we had to record the show so you can listen to it as many time at you want

Friday, September 20, 2019

Swamp Radio - week 10, Tram 3

Hi there its Hannah and i'm here to say that i will have a show on marshland schools Swamp radio premier. It will be hosted by me, Tamzin and Nikita, our show is called Tea Time With Nana and we have our first show next week monday from 1:30 - 1: 50, I hope you tune in and listen to this weeks marshland school's controversy.
You can find the radio in marshland school website under the swamp radio link.

My Video speech tram 3 (2019)

The American Accent why is it so annoying? And why do foreigners Think so?

  First I think we should have a little look on how accents are made.
We all have an ‘Accent’ whether its French, Australian or Spanish, But how do
you get an accent, or even have an accent? To explain it, simply a ‘foreign’ accent
happens when someone speaks a language using some rules or sounds from another
or their own language. 

pg.1:Now, Vowels and are they different, and if How? 
Have you ever heard an American say mountain or interview, Have you ever
noticed they don’t pornice T as prominently. It seems the reason why is that,the
generation has evolved in america to drop the T sound, even though it may
sound lazy.  And it seems that californian engilsh has been emphasising vowels
that were reduced centuries ago. 

Pg.2:What Makes something sound annoying? This is where it gets a little
complicated, we can compare this to misophonia  it means ( Hatred of sound )
it happens when a common noise like the sound of chewing or nails on a
chalkboard, tends to be more irritating.

Pg.3:And lastly why is the American accent so annoying? Well there many state
accent so it's hard to really say why, but I can say what american accent is the
worst and why that one is the most annoying. And it is…. The  Western accent
followed by Texen. But why is the Western Accent so annoying. Yodeling,
Cowrangaling speech and shreddin the ( gnar ), It seems to annoy people so
much, and i gotta say i kinda agree, ( No Offence ) but you really have to be
a listener to figure out what they are saying.

Conclusion: In conclusion, The american accent has evolved to just be the way it
is, a foreign accent that don't pronounce T’s well, and have Western Yodeling
Cowrangaling Gnar shredding people no one can understand, And that i say is
pretty annoying.

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Pony Who Can. - Narrative for term-two.

The Pony who can.
(Big things come in small packages)

Thump Thump Thump, the sound of hoofs running across the grassy fields
towards Two big logs stacked atop each other…It stops for a second and then
started again. 
“perfect Jump by Jenna and Midnight!”

a small Filly Foal smiles as she watches from a distance in awe, She runs and
jumps as if she was Midnight herself. The other foals started to laugh at her.
“ You think you can be as good as midnight. Haha” They mocked “ You’re just a
Pony, Dawn!” 

Midnight walked in shortly after the Cross country competition, looking at the
small foal and then the other bigger foals. 
“ Even though Dawn is a Pony she can do great things too, You know big things
come in small packages” She nudged the small foal in comfort.

Many years later
Clop Clop Clop Clop.
“Oh here is Dawn's stall, I'll see you soon,” one of the many riders said
as the sound of hoofs got quieter and quieter, as another horse was being led out
to the paddock.   
The Pony turned her head to the stall door, her white and ginger brown spotted coat Gleaming slightly in the sun from the window behind, she let out a bored sigh
and then turns her head back to facing the window. Two hands grab her face and
slowly put a Halter on, then lead the Pony over to the large Pasteur and let graze
for some time.

 Someone came back not long later to lead her over to the tack up area, as she was
getting tacked up. A young shy Lusitano was led next to her. He looked around
the same age as her so about 2-3 years old. He took small glances at her. It seemed
like he was going to talk but always backed away shyly.
The small Pony sighed and plucked up the courage to speak.
“Hey I’m Dawn nice to meet you,” she said calmly,
“Oh… h-hi Im-m Ch-ch-charlie” he answered timidly, 
as the humans were tacking them up Dawn and Charlie continued talking and
getting to know each other. Once the humans had finished tacking up they found
that they were splitting, Dawn was going on a trail ride and Charlie was going to
Dressage training. They said their goodbyes and went on their separate ways.

On the trail ride, all Dawn could think about was Charlie, they were already
friends and Dawn's first friend ever, it was special to her in a way she had never
felt, she wanted to spend more time with the tall brown Lusitano stallion, the entire ride was hard  she constantly had the feeling to spend time with Charlie but
as of right now she had to focus. As she trotted along the trail and throughout the
forest she came to a stop at a clearing, there were other ponies and horses, the
humans jumped off and lead them over to an open field. Dawn was grazing her
eye caught on to a tall Clydesdale, as she looked up the horse looked over her way
with warm eyes, they slowly walked towards her but another horse got in they're
way, asking questions and other things, Dawn just walked away her head down
and continued grazing.

along the ride back she got to ride alongside the
Clydesdale, as they were walking
Dawn ignored the loud commotion next to her hoping for some silence. The
Clydesdale always seemed to be uncomfortable, as if talking to the other horse
was annoying her. Finally, after a while, the horse parted their ways and left
trotting over to a different trail.
“Hey, I'm Rose” a sudden tall horse spoke 
“Dawn...” The pony spoke quietly 

Bang Bang! Loud shots sent the Pony and horse running frantically. The riders
steering them frantically, and trying to keep on the trail.
Bang!- Thump!
“Rose, Rose!”
Dawns rider had fallen off and was now running through the woods frantically
looking for the stable. Rose was laying on the ground no colour in her eyes,  and a
single tear streaming down her face. In disbelief and pain for the friend she had just
meet and then lost so fast in the blink of an eye.  

Tweet tweet. Dawn lay in the field her front right leg covered with a bandage.

As Dawn slept silently, there were mumbles from behind as two horses conversate
they were soft and quiet.
Dawns eyes slowly opened and lift her head, her white and ginger streaked hair
flowing in the wind gracefully, her eyes dark with no emotion.


Rain, tiny drops of water falling from the sky and rapid speeds. Dawn looked up,
tears in her eyes, and all that was left was the shell of Dawn and her once happy
Clap, snap, bang.
The sharp sound of lightning echoed across the now Gray and gloomy sky,
A sudden light shines across Dawns face, as a single tear streams down her face.
Everything goes quiet. 
A single tear hits the ground.

It was just another day at the stable, the rider had came to feed the horses and
“Hey Dawn looks like you gained some weight. But you’ve barely eaten anything”
The rider sighed and then mumbled “ I’ll just have to inform the maneger” they
walked off leaving. Dawn laid there thinking how did she gain all this weight? She
drifted off to sleep being too tired to get up and eat, so she just laid there sleeping. 

Crackle, crackle. 
“Dawn Dawn get up now!”
Dawn’s eyes slowly open then widen, smoke quickly filling her lungs, she lets out
small coughs.
“Dawn we have to go!” a familiar tall horse spoke
“Charlie?” Dawn looked up with wide eyes full of concern and sadness.
“Yes its me, now we have to leave-”
“Why!” She cut him off quickly 
“The stable its on fire!” He acted quick unlocking the stalls door and letting it
slide open, he gestured for Dawn to follow and she didn't question it.
“Charlie I need to tell you something!” She asked desperately
“Not now Dawn i have to get you out of here and now” he spoke sharply.
Dawn couldn't argue right now she had to trust him, and so she did because she
couldn't lose any more people aspeshaly not him.

The light she could see the light and so she ran.
“Dawn watch out!”
Chash. Dawn looked back horror in her eyes, it was Charlie he sacrificed himself
for her.
“Charlie! No” tears poured from her eyes.
“No Dawn go run, run far away and stay safe… The both of you.” Charlie took his
last breath then fell limp his eyes dark with no colour the same as Rose... But
Dawn did as he said and ran far far away from the stable her tears streaming down
her face.

For many more years Dawn fought to survive to be safe and live on for her friends,
and to live the life they never had and more.  In the end her body was found by a
farmer, it was torn to shreds and eaten by who knows what. Next to her a healthy
and very alive foal. Before her death wishing it the best life and that
it would be better than hers. 

From that day on the farmer took care of the foal, Dawn watch from above with
her family and friends. She watched the foal frolic around happy as ever, it brought
a smile to Dawn's face for the first time in a long time.


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Autumn Mother -Personification learning.

For Lit this week: we did Personification, we had to persona-fie one of the four sessions, i picked autumn. we then chouse something about the season to preseason, I'll let you figuer out what my story is talking about ;)

The tall lean women stood overtop the small children playing binef her, running and jumping, hiding
in corners and crevices, on roofs and sitting on stair cases.

 Sometimes the women will let the small kids climb all over her, sitting on her arms in delight looking
over at the others playing, and watching the monsters go by in a dodging game, some monsters like
to play with the kids others bring storms, blowing them over to mother to stay safe.

 Sometimes we have tragedies and we lose some, was well as accidental loses.In the end when
winter comes around… well you know how that ends.

I hope my story can help you with writing personification, have a lovely day - Hannah.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Frozen Adventures, Simmily and Metaphor, short story.

Today we worked on our Simmilys and Metaphors by writing a short story, here are the Rules ( so that you would like to try it yourself )

You must write a story for a local magazine. The story’s title must be ‘Frozen Adventures’. You must write about your journey to a snowy and cold climate.  Write this story in a new google doc and post it on your blog when complete.
You must include:
  • Descriptive detail
  • 2-3 Metaphors
  • 2-3 Similes
  • Introduction and Conclusion
  • 3-4 Paragraphs
Now i will show you what I did.

Woosh, two boys sled around the giant mammoth like icey hills next to them was two girls one on skis and the other on a snowboard, they were nearing a  league and made a sudden stop making tiny ice cubes of frozen water fly from beneath their feet, before falling down into the ocean of shining snow and ice.
“How will we get to the group now” one of the boys sighed as they took off their helmet, it was showing his perfect styled brown hair and his tan skin was noticeable against the vidirent white snow, the other boy just sighed and the girls nodded their head in agreeance.  

“Over there” one of the girls said, pointing at a slop that looked like the back of a giraffe's neck. The boys looked worried but still went down, as they were sledding down the wind started to rap around their faces like frozen hands, and flakes of dandruff like snow flicked onto their faces and bodys. They finally came to a stop and meet up with the rest of the school to head home. In the and they still talk about the fun Frozen adventure they went on till Today.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Dialogue, Resurching and working on our dialogue.

 Dialogue. This week we did some work on dialogue, we Laurent about how much action and how much dialogue we been in and sentience. we then had to write about two boys going on a Holiday, and how they would talk to each other in a realistic way.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Term 1: Goal Ladder Reflection.

Now that its the end of the year we have done reflections on our goals, this year i think i did well and have improved on my skills in the curriculum. I hope you can use the methods i have to help you like it did me. Goodbye my readers. 

Friday, March 22, 2019

Maori slide

This is my maori slide it will have maori stuff on it, it will be updated some Fridays.
The first slides are about different objects that we are learning to say and spell in maori.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

My Characters

These are my Character concepts, i will be writing the story hopefully soon so that everyone and read it, the plot and story line are secret as of right now as i am working on them. 

The Floor Is Lava

Today we looked at some shot videos and ads, so that we can make a plan of what the video/ad was about.  I hope that this can help you as mach as it helped me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Mathematical Car logos

This is what we have done for maths today, on Monday we went out the the car park and took photos of car logos, then today we made this. I hope you like it.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Basic Maths Facts. 2019

Hello Everyone.We have stared to do daily maths, I will be uploading Almost everyday, So i hope you like

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Friday, February 22, 2019

Camp reflection

This my camp reflection for 2019, this camp was the beast camp (in my opinion) we did a whole bunch of things that you will see in the video. Hope you enjoy :D 

Goal Ladder

This my my goals ladder 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Graffiti brick art

This is my Brick art! :D
it was fun to do.

Monday, February 18, 2019

5 R's.

                                                                                 5 R's

This is my 5 R video its bad but that's ok