
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Autumn Mother -Personification learning.

For Lit this week: we did Personification, we had to persona-fie one of the four sessions, i picked autumn. we then chouse something about the season to preseason, I'll let you figuer out what my story is talking about ;)

The tall lean women stood overtop the small children playing binef her, running and jumping, hiding
in corners and crevices, on roofs and sitting on stair cases.

 Sometimes the women will let the small kids climb all over her, sitting on her arms in delight looking
over at the others playing, and watching the monsters go by in a dodging game, some monsters like
to play with the kids others bring storms, blowing them over to mother to stay safe.

 Sometimes we have tragedies and we lose some, was well as accidental loses.In the end when
winter comes around… well you know how that ends.

I hope my story can help you with writing personification, have a lovely day - Hannah.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Frozen Adventures, Simmily and Metaphor, short story.

Today we worked on our Simmilys and Metaphors by writing a short story, here are the Rules ( so that you would like to try it yourself )

You must write a story for a local magazine. The story’s title must be ‘Frozen Adventures’. You must write about your journey to a snowy and cold climate.  Write this story in a new google doc and post it on your blog when complete.
You must include:
  • Descriptive detail
  • 2-3 Metaphors
  • 2-3 Similes
  • Introduction and Conclusion
  • 3-4 Paragraphs
Now i will show you what I did.

Woosh, two boys sled around the giant mammoth like icey hills next to them was two girls one on skis and the other on a snowboard, they were nearing a  league and made a sudden stop making tiny ice cubes of frozen water fly from beneath their feet, before falling down into the ocean of shining snow and ice.
“How will we get to the group now” one of the boys sighed as they took off their helmet, it was showing his perfect styled brown hair and his tan skin was noticeable against the vidirent white snow, the other boy just sighed and the girls nodded their head in agreeance.  

“Over there” one of the girls said, pointing at a slop that looked like the back of a giraffe's neck. The boys looked worried but still went down, as they were sledding down the wind started to rap around their faces like frozen hands, and flakes of dandruff like snow flicked onto their faces and bodys. They finally came to a stop and meet up with the rest of the school to head home. In the and they still talk about the fun Frozen adventure they went on till Today.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Dialogue, Resurching and working on our dialogue.

 Dialogue. This week we did some work on dialogue, we Laurent about how much action and how much dialogue we been in and sentience. we then had to write about two boys going on a Holiday, and how they would talk to each other in a realistic way.